Agile Supply Chain Research Club

Chris Vallé and Stephen Bruce spoke at Cranfield School of Management’s Agile Supply Chain Research Club, on 11th December 2024.

This page is intended as a resource for attendees (and for those people unable to attend on the day). We’ll update it with any topics or ‘Q&A’s that we weren’t able to cover in enough detail – so you may want to bookmark this page.

In the session, we explained that the ‘Contractual Relationship Diagnostic’ is one of the ways we recommend for people to begin to scope and surface, capture and refine, and to measure and progress things that matter.

We encourage you to see and feel the value of that diagnostic experience for yourself.

The link below allows you to register yourself and up to 6 others to diagnose the current state of a relationship that you each have a unique and valuable perspective of.

Contractual Relationship Diagnostic

Click the link and use the code TRIAL2024
for a complimentary team diagnostic for ASCRC.

More info on the diagnostic itself (with short video walk-through) here.

For supply chain professionals managing key supplier relationships, who need to evaluate the performance of critical but often overlooked aspects of supplier relationships to gain actionable insights and improve collaboration, the Contractual Relationship Diagnostic focuses attention on things that matter, providing a clear, objective evaluation framework that is adaptable and scalable across the entire supply chain.

To get the most value out of the complimentary diagnostic evaluation:

  • Identify a specific relationship and remember you’re evaluating that relationship (you’re not evaluating the other party or ‘relationships overall’).
  • Include people familiar with that specific relationship (ideally spanning different roles).
  • Evaluate based on your own perspective (don’t try to anticipate the perspective of the other party… not yet).
  • Remember you’re initially evaluating the ‘current state’ – not a desired or ideal future state (plenty of scope to do that later).

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