About the Team Partnering Capability Diagnostic

The Team Partnering Capability diagnostic is a first step towards collaboration excellence, developed by the Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals (ASAP) in conjunction with New Information Paradigms (NIP). It provides an initial indication of core partnering capability maturity drawing from ASAP best practices – as compiled in the ASAP Handbook of Alliance Management, and the ISO 44001 Collaborative Business Relationship.

It asks participants to evaluate 20 Value Codes representing the things that matter across the board with partnering.

The diagnostic is an opportunity to take stock of the current state of your Alliance partnering capability and how it is being managed.

Participants are invited to evaluate what they believe the organization’s partnering capability to be, in five key areas: Organizational Strategy; Partnering Lifecycle; Partnering Competency; Organizational Culture and Organizational Leadership. The intention being to establish the degree of alignment, or otherwise, within the team.

How It Works

First, you will specify who should be invited to respond to the diagnostic. Here’s a quick overview of the registration process:

Everything else (invitations, response reports and collation of responses into insightful reports) is then handled by our automated online diagnostic system – users will just be asked to set a password to keep responses secure (nothing will be shared with any third parties).

Here’s a short overview of how to access and submit a response:

Upon submitting their response, each respondent receives a personalized report that presents back and highlights aspects of what they have said. 

When all respondents have submitted responses, a more detailed report is generated that synthesizes and analyses all the data to identify:

  • Overall trends.
  • Specific areas that seem agreed to be problematic (and areas that are going well).
  • Areas with a diverse spread of opinion, suggesting division or perception gaps to resolve – within the parties, between the parties, or both.
  • Patterns amongst the issues that have been found.
  • Frequent terms used, which can be the beginnings of a shared language.
  • Recommended next steps.

Here’s a quick overview of what you get from the Team Report:

What’s in it for you

The Team Partnering Capability Diagnostic will give you an idea of where you really are – including how aligned (or otherwise) you are as a team – and establish a benchmark which you can return to later, to track change and evaluate the effectiveness of actions taken.

If everything is looking good, and if everyone agrees, then the report will substantiate this.

Just as likely though – you’ll uncover areas of opportunity, where the diagnostic and report will:

  • provide a constructive outlet to surface concerns regarding the things that matter, and prepare to reorient around solutions
  • develop a new way of thinking about the current situation – where previously “subjective” areas can now be considered “objectively” and where specific solutions can be found
  • encourage and support individuals that want to take a lead in understanding and making progress in developing alliancing capability
  • clarify where to focus, which may include discussing and resolving different perspectives