Complimentary Contractual Relationship Diagnostic (Team) – Setup

Administrator Details:

First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Organization *

Administrator’s name, email address and organization.

The administrator will be a respondent and also act as the point of contact between the Value Management Team and other respondents. The administrator is responsible for:

  • providing the required information below
  • ensuring that invitation emails sent to respondents are not ignored or blocked
  • receiving and handling any questions from respondents about why you’re initiating this Contractual Relationship diagnostic and why they have been invited – each respondent’s invitation email will include the administrator’s name as the person inviting them
  • attending to the report that is generated when the process is complete

The personal data provided in completing this form will only be used to create your instance of the Contractual Relationship diagnostic, to contact the administrator and respondents in running it (full details are in our privacy policy), and for the Value Management Team to contact the administrator when the process is complete to review findings.

I confirm that I am the individual detailed in this section, I accept the responsibilities detailed above, I assume responsibility for all personal data provided on this page, I consent to its use as described, and I have read and I accept the website terms and conditions.

Diagnostic Details:

Authorization Code *

The authorization code provided to you by us

We will have provided you with an authorization code – if you do not have one and wish to use the Contractual Relationship diagnostic, please contact us.

Diagnostic Of *

The focus of the diagnostic

Diagnostic Of is the subject of your diagnostic and of the subsequent report. The system uses what you enter for Diagnostic Of at X in this format: Contractual Relationship Diagnostic of the X relationship. We suggest you enter:

  • EITHER the parties to the relationship, e.g. “Customer Ltd / Supplier Corp” (the result would be Contractual Relationship Diagnostic of the Customer Ltd / Supplier Corp relationship).
  • OR the purpose of the contract, e.g. “Facilities Management” (the result would be Contractual Relationship Diagnostic of the Facilities Management relationship).

    Contact us if you are unsure what to enter.

    Message to Respondents *

    Message to Respondents

    Please briefly explain to respondents why you’re initiating this diagnostic.

    This text will be included in the invitation email, preceded by a line saying “[administrator name] added the following context for this invitation:”. Type in your own text or copy, paste and amend the following:

    I’m inviting you and 5 others to complete this complimentary diagnostic with me to surface any issues we’re currently experiencing and whether we’re aligned. It shouldn’t take more than half an hour, and based on what we find out, we may decide to take things further. Thanks!


    Date that the Value Management team will send invitations to respondents


    Date that respondents will be told they must respond by

    The ‘Deadline’ will automatically be included in the invitation email to respondents and, as this date approaches, automated email reminders will be sent to those yet to submit their response.

    This is the date when the diagnostic will be closed (with the final report then made available to the administrator).

    Respondent Details:

    Names and email addresses for up to 6 additional respondents

    Further to the administrator’s details above, these are the other people to whom the Value Management team will send invitations to participate in the Contractual Relationship diagnostic – ideally they should either already be aware that this is happening, or be made aware before you submit this form.

    To get the most out of the diagnostic, try and include a cross-section of people – people with responsibility and influence, people affected by the situation or people simply passionate about it.

    Any row may be left completely blank – i.e. if you have fewer than 6 people to invite – but each row you start must be fully completed, including with a correct and unique email address.


    First Name
    Last Name


    First Name
    Last Name


    First Name
    Last Name


    First Name
    Last Name


    First Name
    Last Name


    First Name
    Last Name

    Complimentary Contractual Relationship Diagnostic (Team) – Request Received

    Thank you, [first_name]!

    Invitations to the Contractual Relationship diagnostic will now be sent to the following addresses:

    [email], [team_emails]

    Please do check these email addresses are correct, and if not contact us at and we’ll correct things. Otherwise, the invitations will give access to the diagnostic and explain what needs to be done.

    You can now leave this page, and the invitations should arrive soon (although if they haven’t been received within 2 hours, please check your Spam folders before getting in touch).

    Kind regards,

    The Value Management Team