Fixing Strategic Relationships
Strategic relationships aren’t working as they need to. We make it possible for you to fix them, saving you time and money, and helping you realize your goals.
In today’s Complex world of constant change and increasing interconnectedness, the importance of strategic relationships cannot be overstated:
- The suppliers you rely on and the partners you work with play a pivotal role in growing your “reach”, enabling you to participate in bigger projects, whilst helping you meet quality, efficiency and delivery obligations and goals.
- Meanwhile, your customers are the heartbeat of your business: they are the foundation of your financial health, and the relationships you build with them are paramount.
- Increasingly, important functions are also outsourced to benefit from specialist expertise and enable you to focus on your core business.
(Interpersonal relationships are of course crucial, too, but our focus here is on relationships with other organizations.)
The Challenge
Your strategic relationships are therefore your biggest single asset – crucial for profit, for growth, for learning, for innovation and for resilience – but also your biggest stumbling block if they don’t realise the Value they need to.
And nowhere are the effects of Complexity felt more keenly than in strategic relationships, which bring together all of these impacts – not just on both of the parties involved, but also on the relationship between them – and where issues can rapidly snowball exponentially.
The result? Most relationships aren’t delivering the value that they should.
The Solution: Value Management
The need for improvement is widely acknowledged, with much attention being put on them – e.g. the growth of “relational contracting”, the development of standards (such as ISO 44001), etc.
But, whilst such things have their place, the primary challenge is a familiar one: the Things That Matter are not effectively surfaced, expressed, managed, measured or delivered on.
The parties are therefore not properly aligned with each other – at worst at odds with each other – with invisible and unresolved perception gaps that work against effectiveness, whilst the most important aspects of the relationship are not being addressed.
No wonder that the Symptoms of What’s Not Working soon follow.
Get started today with our Three Steps to Value to put you firmly on the path to transformed strategic relationships, money saved, improved morale, and value realized.
Featured content:
- The Relationship Issues Diagnostic and how it helps the parties constructively and objectively (re-)align
- How the Three Steps to Value can Fix Strategic Relationships
- DIO-Amey case study: proof of how relationships can be fixed
- Which relationships are “strategic”?
Articles related to Relationships:
Negotiating Value in Contractual Relationships: Part 3
With a broader conception of “negotiation” in mind, we can now fill in the missing piece of our relationship management spectrum with Value Management: Things That Matter, Value Codes and Diagnostics….
Negotiating Value in Contractual Relationships: Part 2
Warranties, intellectual property rights, liquidated damages, and so on, are important. But it’s things like values, perceptions, effectiveness of communication, and behaviours that primarily affect contract delivery, and that determine the quality of the relationship. How do we “negotiate” those?…
Negotiating Value in Contractual Relationships: Part 1
Value is why we do anything: it’s the goal of our relationships, it’s what our contracts should support, and it’s what the negotiations for those contracts should focus on. But “value” is a much-misunderstood term……
Empathy: the Missing Piece of the Collaboration Puzzle
Commercial relationships are struggling, and nowhere is this more true than in collaborative relationships. Such relationships are where Complexity – from both inside and outside the relationship – is highest, and where the fatal flaws in how we typically operate are most clearly (and devastatingly)…
Misalignment on Things That Matter: Proving the Point
The Things That Matter aren’t clear or aligned in our relationships. This missing empathy is what is inhibiting understanding, preventing the management of differences, and hampering authentic collaboration. All of this – and more – was demonstrated through a recent workshop exercise we ran….
Things That Matter: Operationalizing Empathy: Part 4: Harnessing Empathy
How do you harness empathy between organizations? By deploying Value Codes at scale to establish the current state, set targets, and iterate to demonstrate ROI. And we’ll also see proof that this works…!…
Relationships: The Will May Be There… But The Way Isn’t
In our latest webinar on the Things That Matter, polls demonstrated that the will to understand partners may be there, but the way isn’t. Well-intended personal contact tries and fails to plug that gap, with negative and challenging experiences continuing to dominate relationships. This isn’t…
Things That Matter: Operationalizing Empathy: Part 3: Encapsulating Empathy
How do you go encapsulate empathy between organizations? By capturing the Things That Matter and then re-expressing them as Value Codes – an absolutely pivotal process….
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Request an invitation to self-diagnose the symptoms of what’s not working in your strategic relationship by sending us the following information.