Mastering Complexity: Introduction

- Introduction
- Part 1: What Complexity Is
- Part 2: Complex vs Complicated
- Part 3: Harnessing Complexity
Most of us are familiar with key features of today’s turbulent environment – the changed expectations and priorities of a connected world; the new dominance of ideas, intangible assets and experiences over services and physical objects in creating profits; complex social issues and “shocks”.
On a smaller scale, closer to home, we’re certainly all familiar with:
- Leadership challenges with opportunities and early warning signals missed, data overload, difficulty of setting goals and making decisions, and constant pressures to do more with less.
- Governance and quality issues with poor execution and performance, inconsistency, and difficulty converting strategy into best practice.
- Front line issues with failing projects and relationships, repeating problems, mismatches between strategy and practice, and a sense of disenfranchisement and of being ignored.
Complexity is Foundational
“It’s all about behaviours/trust/people!” … “We need radical innovation!” … “Digitalisation is the key to success in a digital world!” …“We need to upskill and develop our capability!”
Just some of the assertions presented – in isolation or in some combination – as answers to these challenges.
But not only are they all so vague as to be of questionable use in practical terms, they’re also fatally wrong – even, and perhaps especially, as they contain at least a grain of truth.
Why? Because, despite the grains of truth, they miss the crucial point that it’s all about Complexity – the explanatory model of reality and the practical model for dealing with it:
- It is complexity – the nature of nature and the explanatory model of science – that unifies these assertions, explains what’s happening in today’s world and then shows how to respond to it.
- It is complexity that is key to going beyond these assertions into practical implementation.
This is what we have been devoted to throughout our entire history – really understanding what’s going on, to be able to really respond to it – and, in this series, we will see how we have developed a new, holistic and sustainable approach and toolset that apply wherever Complexity is found.
Why? Because it is based on recognising that the world is Complex – particularly when it comes to Value, with what it is, how it’s experienced and how it’s facilitated – and understanding in depth what Complexity is, to then be able to harness its dynamics.
Becoming Complexity-aware
We are pioneers in being Complexity-aware, having found at each juncture that not only were there large gaps in theory – especially when it came to business and organisations – but an almost complete absence of practical, systematic application.
Many authors and consultants recognise and describe the symptoms of Complexity, but few of these explore or understand its underlying dynamics, and fewer still have anything useful to say about what to do in response.
Most remain content to use some of the “language” of complexity (“VUCA”, “pace of change”, etc) and, if any answers are proposed, they rarely go beyond buzzwords (“resilience”, “behaviours”, “agility”), reasserting familiar approaches more forcefully or sweeping generalisations (mostly about how technology, training or innovation are the answers).
They also typically, and unhelpfully, dismiss everything that has gone before, which both alienates and throws the baby out with the bathwater.
As the Bibliography below shows, we have drawn on and synthesised a huge swathe of existing cutting-edge material – academic and popular books, consultants, vertical industry publications – drawn from the worlds of (amongst others) science, economics, change management and management theory.
However, more importantly, we have then also conducted intensive original research and work on codifying the dynamics, processes and intellectual content needed to translate theory and anecdotal experience – our own, and that of others – into systematic practice.
From a privileged position of being involved in many different domains and vertical industries – but not restricted in focus to any one of them – we have been able to observe the patterns and commonalities between them to arrive at an approach and toolset that delivers spectacular results wherever Complexity is found… which is everywhere.
In 2014, one analyst stated that:
“There is no overarching concept that embraces all these ideals/ideas in a comprehensive systematic, unified way… there is no compelling thought leadership or book that stakes out the future of the ‘new movement’…”
– Robert Porter Lynch – Future Face of Capitalism, p66 (ICL Institute, 2014)
And a 2019 report stated that:
“Decoding the deep structure of [the] economic shift [in competitive pressure and what to do in response] will allow executives to thrive in the face of intensifying competition and growing economic pressure”.
– Skills Change, But Capabilities Endure (2019)
However, there now is such a concept – Value Management – and the “deep structure” of Complexity has now been fully decoded, finally providing the previously missing theoretical pieces and moving into practical implementation.
The Mastering Complexity Series
In this “Mastering Complexity” series, we start to introduce some of this work, covering:
- What “complexity” is, and why it describes and explains today’s turbulent business environment
- What “complicated” is, and how – and why – it is the root of inappropriate and ineffective responses to this turbulence.
- Defining what needs to be in place to respond differently and appropriately: a new complexity-informed mindset towards familiar concepts and a new complexity-informed toolset that will foster a new complexity-informed skillset.
Harnessing Complexity in this way enables individuals, teams and organisations to achieve the necessary agility and resilience to develop and exercise the discernment needed to truly thrive.
(those in bold are particularly important)
Books (41)
- Ackoff, Russell L. – “Implementation and Control: Doing It and Learning”, Chapter 8 of Re-creating the Corporation (OUP, USA 1999), pp.157-176
- Archer, David & Cameron, Alex – Collaborative Leadership: Building Relationships, Handling Conflict and Sharing Control (Butterworth-Heinemann, 2nd ed., 2013)
- Axelrod, Robert & Cohen, Michael D. – Harnessing Complexity: Organizational Implications of a Scientific Frontier (Basic Books, 1999)
- Blank, Warren – Nine Natural Laws of Leadership (Amacom, 1995)
- Cameron, Kim S.; Quinn, Robert E.; Degraff, Jeff & Thakor, Anjan V. – Competing Values Leadership (New Horizons in Management Series) (Edward Elgar, 2nd ed., 2014)
- Carabini, Louis E. – “Complexity, Adaption, and Order: Visualizing the Invisible Hand”, Chapter 8 of Liberty, Dicta & Force: Why Liberty Brings Out the Best in People and How Government Brings Out the Worst (Mises Institute, September 2018)
- Conner, Daryl R. – Managing at the Speed of Change: How Resilient Managers Succeed and Prosper Where Others Fail (John Wiley, 1992)
- Davis, Stan – 2001 Management: Managing the Future Now (HarperCollins, 1987)
- Denning, Stephen – The Age of Agile: How Smart Companies Are Transforming the Way Work Gets Done (Amacom, 2018)
- Gilbreath, Robert D.:
- Forward Thinking (McGraw-Hill, 1987)
- Compel: How to Get Others in Your Organization to Think and Act Differently (Wiley, 2007)
- Gilson, Ronald J.; Sabel, Charles F. and Scott, Robert E – The Adaptive Contract: Innovation and Collaboration in an Uncertain World (Preliminary Draft, 2018)
- Gunderson, Lance H. & Holling, C. S. – Panarchy: Understanding Transformations in Human and Natural Systems (Island Press, 2001)
- Hastings, Hunter; Bylund, Per & Klein, Peter – Understanding The Mind Of The Customer (Mises Institute, 2019)
- Hoverstadt, Patrick – The Fractal Organization: Creating sustainable organizations with the Viable System Model (Wiley, 2008)
Collected papers of the Spring 2003 postgraduate seminar (Helsinki University of Technology Control Engineering Laboratory, 2004) - Jaap, Tom – Enabling Leadership: Achieving Results with People (Gower, 1986)
- Kelley, Robert E. – Star Performer: Nine Breakthrough Strategies You Need to Succeed (Orion, 1998)
- Keskinen, Auli; Aaltonen, Mika & Mitleton-Kelly, Eve – Organisational Complexity (FFRC, 2003)
- Lipnack, Jessica & Stamps, Jeffrey:
- The Age of the Network: Organizing Principles for the 21st Century (John Wiley, 1994)
- Virtual Teams: Reaching Across Space, Time and Organizations with Technology (John Wiley, 1997)
- Mann, Darrell – “Complex Systems & Root Contradictions”, pp.45-72 in Business Matrix 3.0: Solving Management, People & Process Contradictions (IFR Press, 2018)
- McChrystal, Gen. Stanley – Team Of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World (Portfolio Penguin, 2015)
- Miller, James Grier – Living Systems (McGraw Hill Higher Education, 1978)
- Mises, Ludwig von – Human Action (Liberty Fund Inc, 1949; The Scholar’s Edition, 2010)
- Moore, Geoffrey A. – Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling High-Tech Products to Mainstream Customers (HarperBusiness, 1991, rev. 1999 and 2014)
- Moore, James F. – The Death of Competition: Leadership and Strategy in the Age of Business Ecosystems (HarperCollins, Australia, 1996)
- Nason, Rick – It’s Not Complicated: The Art and Science of Complexity in Business (Rotman, 2017)
- Owen, Harrison:
- The Power of Spirit: How Organizations Transform (BK, 1986)
- Spirit: Transformation and Development in Organizations (Abbott, 1987)
- Leadership Is (Abbott, 1990)
- Riding the Tiger: Doing Business in a Transforming World (Abbott, 1991)
- Expanding Our Now: The Story of Open Space Technology (BK, 1997)
- Wave Rider: Leadership for High Performance in a Self-Organizing World (BK, 2008)
- Parolini, Cynzia – The Value Net: A Tool for Competitive Strategy (Wiley, 1999)
- Porter Lynch, Robert – Future Face of Capitalism (ICL Institute, 2014)
- Sisney, Lex – Organizational Physics: The Science of Growing a Business (, 2013)
- Spitzer, Dean R. (Ph.D.) – Transforming Performance Measurement: Rethinking the Way We Measure and Drive Organizational Success (McGraw-Hill Education, 2007)
- Wheatley, Margaret J. – Leadership and the New Science: Discovering Order in a Chaotic World (Berrett-Koehler, 1992)
- Whitehurst, Jim – The Open Organization (Harvard Business Review Press, 2015)
- Womack, James P.; Jones, Daniel T. & Roos, Daniel – The Machine That Changed the World: The Story of Lean Production (Rawson Associates, 1990)
Articles (97)
- Ackoff, Russell L. – “The Art and Science of Mess Management”, pp. 20-26 in Interfaces, Vol. 11, No. 1 (Feb 1981)
- Algoso, Dave – Eight Practices for Strategic Agility (Stanford Social Innovation Review, SSIR, Summer 2019)
- Appelbaum, Binyamin – Oliver Hart and Bengt Holmstrom Win Nobel in Economics for Work on Contracts (New York Times, 10 Oct 2016)
- Armstrong, Geno – Climbing the curve: 2015 Global Construction Project Owner’s Survey (KMPG, 2015)
- Boyd, John – “Destruction & Creation” (September 3rd 1976) in Ford, Daniel – A Vision So Noble: John Boyd, the OODA Loop, and America’s War on Terror (Warbird, 2017)
- Bylund, Per L. & McCaffrey, Matthew – “A Theory of Entrepreneurship and Institutional Uncertainty” in Journal of Business Venturing (2017)
- Bylund, Per L. & Packard, Mark D. – “Subjective value in entrepreneurship” in Small Business Economics (Springer, 2021)
- Cabaj, Mark & Weaver, Liz – Collective Impact 3.0: An Evolving Framework for Community Change (Tamarack Institute, Community Change Series 2016)
- Carter, Lord (of Coles) – Operational productivity and performance in English NHS acute hospitals: Unwarranted variations (, 2015)
- Chartered Institute of Management Accountants:
- Bischoff, Win (Sir) – Corporate Culture and the Role of Boards (FRC, 2016)
- Farrar, Martin (Dr) – Re-inventing finance for a digital world: the future of finance (January 2019)
- Cost Transformation Model (CGMA, 2015)
- Issue, The (May 2016):
- “Introducing the CIMA Value Engine” in The Issue (May 2016)
- Manwaring, Tony – “The V Word” in The Issue (May 2016)
- Tilley, Charles – “Value Proposition” in The Issue (May 2016)
- Joining the Dots: Decision Making for a New Era (CGMA, 2015)
- Tagoe, Noel (Dr) – Rethinking the Business Model (2016)
- Cilliers, Paul – “Boundaries, Hierarchies and Networks in Complex Systems”, pp. 135–147 in International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 5, No. 2 (Imperial College Press, June 2001)
- Cook, Daniel & Chatterjee, Pratichi – Our changing world: let’s be ready (RICS, 2015)
- Deloitte:
- CPO Survey 2016 (2016)
- Human Capital Trends Report (2017)
- Skills Change, But Capabilities Endure (2019)
- Emergent Publications:
- Cilliers, Paul:
- What can we learn from a theory of complexity? (31 Mar 2000)
- Rules and Complex Systems (30 Sep 2000)
- Knowledge, Complexity, and Understanding (31 Dec 2000)
- Why We Cannot Know Complex Things Completely (30 Jun 2002)
- An Introduction to “The Architecture of Complexity” (31 Dec 2005)
- On the importance of a certain slowness (30 Sep 2006)
- Goldstein, Jeffrey – Emergence as a construct (31 Mar 1999)
- Michiotis, Stefanos & Cronin, Bruce – Assessing Capacity And Maturity For Change In Organizations (01 Nov 2015)
- Michiotis, Stefanos & Cronin, Bruce – Simple tools with a complex attitude (30 Jun 2018)
- Richardson, Kurt; Cilliers, Paul & Lissak, Michael (Dr) – Complexity Science (30 Jun 2001)
- Cilliers, Paul:
- Festré, Agnès: Hayek On Expectations: The Interplay Between Two Complex Systems (HAL, 2018)
- Fink, Larry – A Sense of Purpose (2018)
- Gifford, Adam C. – “The knowledge problem, determinism, and The Sensory Order”, pp. 269-291 in Review of Austrian Economics, The (2007, Vol. 20, Issue 4)
- Gilson, Ronald J.; Sabel, Charles F. and Scott, Robert E – Braiding: The Interaction of Formal and Informal Contracting in Theory, Practice and Doctrine (SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000)
- Hargreaves, Margaret B. – Evaluating System Change: A Planning Guide (April 2010)
- von Hayek, Friedrich A. – “The Theory of Complex Phenomena: A Precocious Play on the Epistemology of Complexity”, pp. 22-42 in Studies in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1967)
- Heinonen, Kristina & Strandvick, Tore – “Reflections on customers’ primary role in markets”, pp.1-11 in European Management Journal 36 (Elsevier, 2018)
- Hoechstetter, Susan – From Assessment to Action: Advocacy Capacity Assessment (Center for Evaluation Innovation, August 2011)
- Horwitz, Steven – “The Sensory Order and Organizational Learning”, pp. 263-284 in Butos, William N. (ed) The Social Science of Hayek’s ‘The Sensory Order’ (Advances in Austrian Economics, Volume 13, 2010)
- Hewlett Packard – The Way (1977)
- Hussain, Julie – Purpose – Mightier Than The Perk (IPL, 2018)
- Infrastructure Client Group – Improving Infrastructure Delivery: Alliancing Code of Practice (2nd ed., 2015)
- International Association for Contract & Commercial Management, The:
- Frydlinger, David; Cummins, Tim; Vitasek, Kate & Bergman, Jim – Unpacking Relationship Contracting (2016)
- The Future of Contract and Relationship Management (2016)
- Institute of Directors – 2016 Good Governance Report (Sep 2016)
- Institute for Leadership & Management – Addressing the leadership lag: ILM Manifesto (2016)
- Institution for Civil Engineers – From Transactions to Enterprises (2017)
- Juarrero, Alicia – “Causality as Constraint”, pp.233-242 in Van de Vijver, D et al Evolutionary Systems, (Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998)
- Leaders on Purpose:
- Gyori, Christa & Kazakova, Tatiana (Dr.) – Purpose-driven Leadership For The 21st Century: How Corporate Purpose Is Fundamental To Reimagining Capitalism (Horváth & Partners, 2019)
- Lee, Chris; Stephens, Victoria & Barrett, Jolyon – “The Supply Chain as a Complex Adaptive System”, pp.796-811 in KES Transactions on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing: Sustainable Design and Manufacturing (2014)
- Lichtenstein, Benyamin B. & Plowman, Donde Ashmos – The leadership of emergence: A complex systems leadership theory of emergence at successive organizational levels (University of Nebraska, 2009)
- McKinsey:
- Atmar, Harris; Becdach, Camilo; Kleinman, Sarah & Rieckhoff, Kirk – Bridging the gap between a company’s strategy and operating model (May 2019)
- Bossert, Oliver; Kretzberg, Alena & Laartz, Jurgen – Unleashing the power of small, independent teams (McKinsey Quarterly, July 2018)
- Davies, Ryan; Huey, Douglas & Kennedy, David – Why isn’t your transformation showing up in the bottom line? (November 2019)
- Goedhart, Marc & Koller, Tim – The value of value creation (16 June 2020)
- Lund, Susan, et al – Globalization In Transition: The Future Of Trade and Value Chains (Executive Summary) (January 2019)
- Marchi, Alberto; Nuttall, Robin & Parekh, Ellora-Julie – How to reinvent the external affairs function (July 2016)
- McQuade, Thomas J. & Butos, William N. – “The Adaptive Systems Theory of Social Orders”, pp.76-108 in Studies in Emergent Order Vol 2 (2009)
- MIT Sloan:
- Beck, Megan & Libert, Barry – The Machine Learning Race Is Really A Data Race (14 Dec 2018)
- Day, George S. &. Schoemaker, Paul J.H. – How Vigilant Companies Gain an Edge in Turbulent Times (18 Nov 2019 )
- Duckworth, Angela – Self-Reports Spur Self-Reflection (19 Feb 2019)
- Gratton, Lynda – Technology and the “End of Management” (27 Jul 2016)
- Hurley, Robert F.; Gillespie, Nicole; Ferrin, Donald L. & Dietz, Graham – Designing Trustworthy Organizations (18 Jun 2013)
- Kahneman, Daniel; Lovallo, Dan & Sibony, Olivier: A Structured Approach to Strategic Decisions: Reducing errors in judgment requires a disciplined process (04 Mar 2019)
- McElheran, Kristina – Taking a Value-Chain Perspective on Innovation (25 Oct 2016)
- Saenz, Maria Jesus; Revilla, Elena & Simón, Cristina – Designing AI Systems With Human-Machine Teams (18 Mar 2020)
- Worley, Christopher G.; Williams, Thomas & Lawler III, Edward E. – Designing Management Processes Built for Change (13 Sep 2016)
- Obwegeser, Nikolaus; Yokoi, Tomoko; Wade, Michael & Voskes, Tom – 7 Key Principles to Govern Digital Initiatives (01 Apr 2020)
- Ready, Douglas A. – Leadership Mindsets for the New Economy (06 Nov 2019)
- Ready, Douglas A.; Cohen, Carol; Kiron, David & Pring, Benjamin – The New Leadership Playbook for the Digital Age (21 Jan 2020)
- Ross, Jeanne – Architect Your Company For Agility (10 Jan 2018)
- Schrage, Michael – How Digital Media Will Bring Out Our Best Selves in the Workplace (22 Mar 2017)
- Moore, Geoffrey A. – Digital Systems Maturity Model: Digital Transformation: A Stairway to Heaven (LinkedIn Pulse, 22 May 2017)
- Network Rail – Enhancement Improvement Plan (Dec 2015)
- Pearson, Taylor – The Ultimate Guide to the OODA Loop
- Pietersen, Willie – Why Strategy Is In Trouble (Columbia Business School, 15 Aug 2019)
- Preskill, Hallie; Gopal, Srikanth “Srik”; Mack, Katelyn & Cook, Joelle – Evaluating Complexity: Propositions for Improving Practice (FSG, 2014)
- PricewaterhouseCoopers:
- Roberts, Martin (et al) – Collaborative Construction: More myth than reality? (Pinsent Masons, 2016)
- Salerno, Joseph T. – “Ludwig von Mises as Social Rationalist”, pp.26-54 in Review of Austrian Economics 4 (1990)
- Schaefer, Alexander – “Coping with Complexity: A Theory of Hayekian Interventionism”, pp. 67-98 in Interdisciplinary Studies of the Political Order: New Applications of Public Choice Theory (Economy, Polity, and Society) (Rowman & Littlefield, 2019)
- Simon, Herbert A. – “The architecture of complexity”, pp. 467-482 in Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 106, No 6 (December 1962)
- Snyder, Sean – “The Simple, the Complicated, and the Complex: Educational Reform Through the Lens of Complexity Theory”, OECD Education Working Papers, No. 96 (OECD Publishing, 2013)
- Stachowiak, Sarah – Pathways for Change: 6 Theories about How Policy Change Happens (Organizational Research Services, 2009)
- Sullivan, Tim – Embracing Complexity (HBR, September 2011)
- TMM Data – State of Digital Analytics: The Persistent Challenge of Data Access & Governance (2017)
- Tomorrow’s Company:
- Sermon, Richard (et al) – Tomorrow’s Corporate Governance: Improving board evaluation for greater board effectiveness (Sep 2016)
- Bischoff, Win (Sir) – Governing Culture: Risk & Opportunity (2016)
- Tilley, Charles (et al) – Tomorrow’s Relationships: Unlocking Value (2014)
- Fitzjohn-Sykes, Laurie (et al) – UK Business: What’s Wrong? What’s Next? (2016)
- Traüffer, Hazel C. V., Bekker, Corné L., Bocarnea, Mihai C. & Winston, Bruce E. – “An Online Measure of Discernment”, Chapter 15, pp.254-270 in Bocarnea, Mihai C., Reynolds, Rodney A., Baker, Jason D., Online Instruments, Data Collection, and Electronic Measurements: Organizational Advancements (2013)
- Wenger, Etienne – Knowledge Management as a Doughnut (Ivey Business Journal, Jan-Feb 2004)
- Wenzel, Nikolai G. – “An Institutional Solution for a Cognitive Problem: Hayek’s Sensory Order as Foundation for Hayek’s Institutional Order”, pp. 311-335 in Butos, William N. (ed) The Social Science of Hayek’s ‘The Sensory Order’ (Advances in Austrian Economics, Volume 13, 2010)
- Wiśniewski, Jakub Bożydar – “Word, Action, and Entrepreneurship”, pp. 161-174 in Studies In Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 57 (70) 2019 (Sciendo)
- Williamson, Oliver E. – “Outsourcing: Transaction Cost Economics and Supply Chain Management”, pp. 5-16 in Journal of Supply Chain Management 44, no. 2 (2008)