Complimentary Value Vectors Diagnostic (Single User) – Setup

First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Organization *
Diagnostic Of *
Authorization Code *

All fields are mandatory.

You will be sent an invitation email to the address you provide.

Diagnostic Of is what you want to profile the values of. What you enter here is used by the system at X in this format for titling the diagnostic and subsequent report: Value Vectors Evaluation of X. You could enter:

  • A specific organization, whether your own, a partner, a customer or a supplier (e.g. entering “Cyvanta” would lead to Value Vectors Evaluation of Cyvanta).
  • A specific relationship (e.g. entering “the Cyvanta-Xelvion relationship” would lead to Value Vectors Evaluation of the Cyvanta-Xelvion relationship).
  • Something more abstract, like an ideal supplier or preferred partner (e.g. entering “our target Customer” would lead to Value Vectors Evaluation of our target Customer).

Contact us if you are unsure what to enter and/or if you do not have an authorization code.

The personal data provided in completing this form will only be used to create your instance of the Value Vectors diagnostic, to contact you to run it (full details are in our privacy policy), and because the Value Management Team may contact you when the process is complete, to review findings.

I confirm that I am the individual detailed in this section, I accept the responsibilities detailed above, I assume responsibility for all personal data provided on this page, I consent to its use as described, and I have read and I accept the website terms and conditions.

Thank you, [first_name]!

An invitation to the Value Vectors diagnostic will now be sent to [email]

  • Please do check that the above email address is the correct one. If not then you can simply fill out the form again.
  • Otherwise, the invitation will give you access to the diagnostic and explains what you need to do.

You can now leave this page, and your invitation should arrive soon (although if you haven’t received it within 2 hours, please check your Spam folder before trying the form again).

Kind regards,

The Value Management Team